Wednesday, December 23, 2009

.Net Naming Convention

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

20 most useful code snippet key words used in visual studio .net 2008

20 most useful code snippet key words used in visual studio .net 2008

Type any of the keyword followed by two tab keys ... I am sure it will help you gracefully to reduce typo. errors

01. class - to create a new empty class

02. ctor - to create an empty default constructor

03. do - to create an empty do while construct

04. exception - to create a new user defined exception

05. for - to create an empty for construct

06. forr - to create an empty reverse for construct

07. foreach - to create an empty foreach construct

08. if - to create an empty if block

09. interface - to create an empty interface

10. mbox - to add MessageBox.Show()

11. namespace - to create a new namespace

12. propg - to add a "get" accessor and a private "set" accessor

13. sim - to add static int Main()

14. struct - to create an empty structure

15. svm - to add static void Main()

16. switch - to add an empty switch block

17. try - to add an empty try block

18. tryf - to add an emptry try...finally block

19. while - to crate an empty while construct

20. ~ - to create an empty destructor

Happy .net programmin